International Advanced Standing Credit

We require a certified copy of any A Level exam results that might have been taken, including any A/S Levels, as soon as they are available. (In addition, please also fax the results to this office at 734-936-0740 as soon as you receive them.)
Students who are pursuing or who have completed A Level exams will generally be awarded advanced standing ranging from six to ten credit hours for certain advanced or principal level examinations completed with a grade of D or better. Three to five credits may be awarded for certain A/S-level exams with an acceptable grade
Engineering students, please note: Advanced standing credit for A Level exams will be granted only for subjects in which a grade of C or better is earned with a maximum of eight credits per appropriate subject.
Note for applicants from Singapore: Beginning in 2008, H1 Levels may be considered equivalent to A/S Levels; however, a grade of C or better would be required for advanced standing credit consideration in appropriate academic subjects. H2 Levels may be considered equivalent to A Levels. A grade of D would be required for advanced standing credit consideration in appropriate academic subjects, except for Engineering applicants, who would be required to have a grade of C. H3 Levels may be considered for credit with grades of Pass or above. These standards are tentative and subject to change.
We require an officially certified copy of any Associated Board of the Royal School of Music exams you have taken at Grade 8. Up to three semester hours of credit may be granted in theory or performance at Grade 8.
Ontario: Students who complete programs in Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology (CAATs) may be granted up to thirty credits of advanced standing on a course-by-course basis for students who have completed a three-year CAAT program. Possible credits will be determined once a final transcript is received. No credit is awarded for completion of a one- or two-year program.
Quebec: Students who complete a full academic (non-vocational) College d’enseignement General et Professionnel (CEGEP) program (two or three years) may be granted advanced standing credit which will not exceed thirty credit hours.
European Baccalaureate: We require an officially certified copy of your externally issued European Baccalaureate exam results showing scores for each exam subject. We also require an official English translation. Advanced standing may be available depending on the results.
France: French Baccalaureate We require an officially certified copy of your externally issued French Baccalaureate exam results showing scores for each exam subject. We also require an official English translation. Advanced standing credit may be awarded for appropriate academic subjects with acceptable exam scores of ten or above on the baccalaureate when the coefficient is at least 4.
Germany: Abitur We require an official copy of your Abitur exam results along with an English translation. Advanced standing of seven to eight credits may be given for certain exams taken in appropriate Abitur (Leistungskurse Profungsfacher) subjects with acceptable exam scores of seven or above.
Iceland: Studentsprof We require a certified copy of your Studentsprof along with an official English translation as soon as it becomes available. Advanced standing of up to thirty semester credits may be awarded on a subject-by-subject basis for exam scores of six or better on the Studentsprof.
Norway: Vitnemal We require a certified copy of your Vitnemal from upper secondary school showing final examination marks and graduation along with an official English translation. Limited advanced standing credit may be given for certain “branch’ subjects in which a national written or spoken exam was taken with scores of five or six. If the “Examen Philosophicum’ is taken, nine credits may be awarded for an acceptable score.