Get the inside scoop about life at U-M and applying to Michigan from current student bloggers, Admissions staff, and guest faculty writers.
Get the inside scoop about life at U-M and applying to Michigan from current student bloggers, Admissions staff, and guest faculty writers.
Whether you’ve loved, tolerated, or hated 2020, no one can deny that it has been an extraordinary year. Here are my reflections on it as we wrap up this year and get ready for the next one.
I recount how I spent the holiday on my own, and my gratitudes for exactly where I am.
You’ve submitted your first college application! Now what? Here are 20 ways you can relax and celebrate being an official college applicant.
Over the course of the fall semester, I’ve picked up some new habits – some good, some questionable – that I would have never ordinarily acquired in a regular semester.
Being involved with new scientific findings while learning at the same time is a great opportunity available to students at U-M. But how can we be involved in research at a time when many labs have restrictions due to COVID?
Following the game against one of our biggest rivals, I want to share some ideas for how old activities can be altered to keep the traditions of campus alive, in a safer manner.
What does a typical day actually look like for U-M students in 2020? In this post, I’ll take you through a day in my life living and taking classes on campus.
With college application and exam season in full swing, I want to take a moment to discuss how sleep has kept me balanced during bumps in the road of life.
As more and more people I know are starting to think about their plans for next year (by looking at houses and apartments), I have begun to reflect on my time in various dorms.
Goodbye September, and hello October! As it starts to sink in that we’ve already completed a month of school, I think now is the perfect time to reflect on the past month before moving full speed ahead into October.