The following charts outline the guidelines for the granting of credit and course placement for acceptable achievement on the Advanced Placement program examinations. Please refer to the guidelines for the University of Michigan school or college you will be applying to:

Note: If at the time you took an AP exam, you did not specify the University of Michigan as the recipient of your score, please refer to the College Board website for information regarding additional score reports (U-M code is 1839)

Please note: guidelines are subject to change and are current as of 2025.

College of Engineering

Hours awarded according to LSA Guidelines unless specified below.

A.P. Exam Score Credit for Course Credit Hours Placement
(Eligible to enroll in)
  4 or 5 CHEM 130 (3) & CHEM 125(1)/126 (1) 5  
Computer Science
Computer Science A 5 EECS 180 4 EECS 280
Computer Science Principles 4 or 5 EECS 101x (Departmental credit) 4  
Math and Further Math
Calculus AB 5 Mathematics 120 (115) 4  
Calculus BC 4 Mathematics 120 (115) 4  
  5 Mathematics 120 {115 (4)} & 121 {116 (4)} 8  
The College of Engineering does not award credit for the AB subscore of the BC exam.
Physics C: Mechanics 5 Physics 140(4) and 141(1) 5  
Physics C: Electricity &
5 Physics 240(4) and 241(1) 5  
The College of Engineering does not award credit for the AP Physics B, AP Physics 1, or AP Physics 2 exams.


College of Literature, Science & the Arts

A.P. Exam Score Credit for Course Credit Hours Placement
(Eligible to enroll in)
  3 Biology 100 4 Eligible to enroll in
Bio 171 or 172
  4 or 5 Biology 195 5 Eligible to enroll in any
Biology course having
Bio 171 or 172 as a prerequisite
Contact: Program in Biology, 734-764-2446, Biology, 1111 Kraus Nat Sci, 1048,
  4 or 5 CHEM 130 (3) & CHEM 125(1)/126 (1) 5 CHEM 210, 211

Changes are effective beginning with the Summer 2025 incoming class.

For those students interested in pursuing graduate or professional studies focused on science or pre-health fields refer to the LSA Basic Pre-Health Science Classes webpage regarding the process to obtain an exemption letter.

Contact: Undergraduate Program Coordinator, 734-647-2858, Chemistry, 1500K Chem, 1055, [email protected]

Chinese Language and Culture       Following existing practice: Students take the UM Chinese Language Program proficiency test to either be placed into a Chinese course or out of the 4-semester language requirement.
Contact: Asian Languages and Cultures (ALC) department, 734-764-8286, 6111, Thayer Academic Building, 1608, [email protected]
Computer Science
Computer Science A 5 EECS 180 4 Eligible to enroll in EECS 280
Computer Science Principles 4 or 5 EECS 101x (Departmental credit) 4  
Contact: CS-Engin. Chief Program Advisor, 734-763-6563, Computer Science & Engineering Division, 2808 CSE Bldg., [email protected]
Microeconomics 4 or 5 Economics Departmental Credit (2) - AP credit is not equivalent to ECON 101 and will not satisfy ECON 101 requirements. 2 Student is eligible to enroll in Econ 101
Macroeconomics 4 or 5 Economics Departmental Credit (2) - AP credit is not equivalent to ECON 102 and will not satisfy ECON 102 requirements. 2 Student is eligible to enroll in Econ 101
Contact: Olga Mustata, Student Services Associate, 734-763-9242, Economics, 238 Lorch Hall, 1220, [email protected]
Language and Composition 4 or 5 English Departmental credit 101x* 3**  
Literature and Composition 4 or 5 English Departmental credit 101x* 3**  

*Does not satisfy the First Year Writing requirement or English major requirements, but will count toward the total credits needed to graduate.

**Each exam transfers as three credits, for a total of six credits.

Contact: or [email protected] or 734-764-6330.

Environmental Science
Environmental Science 4 or 5 Credit for EARTH 219 (3) & EARTH 218 (1) 4  
Contact: Earth and Environmental Sciences, 1100 North University, Room 2534, [email protected]
Language 4 or 5 French 232* (4)
French 250x†** (3)
4*** French 235

Course credits satisfy the LSA language requirement.

† 3 additional credits for French 250x will be awarded for completing French 235 or RCLANG 320 with a grade of "B" or better.

**Counts toward the French major or minor as a 270-level course.

***4 credits plus an optional additional 3 credits upon completion of French 235

Please see the department's website for any inquiries.

Human Geography 4 or 5 Geography Departmental 3  
Language 3 German 231 4 232*
  4** German 231(4)† 4 German 300
German 315
German 325
German 326
German 336
German 350
German 365
German 388
German 389
German 416
German 425
German 426
German 430
German 431
German 457
German 464
RCLANG 321***
  5 German 232*(4)†† 4 German 300
German 315
German 325
German 326
German 336
German 350
German 365
German 388
German 389
German 416
German 425
German 426
German 430
German 431
German 457
German 464
RCLANG 321***

* Course credits satisfy the language requirement.

** Students with an AP score of 4 are strongly advised to enroll in German 300

*** See undergraduate concentration advisor, Kalli Federhofer ([email protected]) or Mary Rodena-Krasan ([email protected])

† 4 additional credits for German 232* will be awarded for completing German 300, 315, 325, 326, 336, 350, 365, 388, 389, 416, 425, 426, 430, 431, 457, 464 or RCLANG 321 with a grade of ""B"" or better.

†† 4 additional credits for German 301X will be awarded for completing German 300, 315, 325, 326, 336, 350, 365, 388, 389, 416, 425, 426, 430, 431, 457, 464 or RCLANG 321 with a grade of ""B"" or better.

NOTE: Students may receive credits either via their AP Test scores, as outlined above, or via the departmental placement test, but not both.

Contact: Hartmut Rastalsky, Language Program Director, 734-764-8018, Germanic Langs & Lits 3110 MLB, 1275, [email protected]

History of Art
History of Art 4 or 5 HISTART 201x (3) 3 Contact Departmental Concentration Advisor*

* Students planning a History of Art Major or Minor should consult with a Departmental Concentration Advisor, who will advise the student as to a suitable course of further study in the field.

Contact: [email protected]

American 4 or 5 100 level History* 4  
European 4 or 5 100 level History* 4  
World 4 or 5 100 level History* 4  

*100-level courses do not count toward the History Major. Please note: an AP and an IB exam in the same subject can only be counted toward one 100-level course.

Contact: Director of Undergraduate Studies, History Department, 1029 Tisch Hall, [email protected]

Language 4 or 5 Italian 232* (4)
Italian 237X (3)†**
4*** Any course beyond Italian 232

* Course credits satisfy the language requirement.

† 3 additional credits for Italian 237X will be awarded for completing one course beyond Italian 232 with a grade of "B" or better.

**Counts toward the Italian major or minor as a upper 200 level course

***4 credits plus an optional additional 3 credits upon completion of one course beyond 232 taught in Italian

Please see the department's website for any inquiries.

Japanese Language and Culture       Following existing practice: Orientation placement test to be placed into a Japanese course.
Contact: Asian Languages and Cultures (ALC) department, 734-764-8286, 6111, Thayer Academic Building, 1608, [email protected]
Vergil 4 or 5 200 level Latin 4 Students should take the placement exam
to either be placed into an appropriate course
or out of the language requirement.
Contact: Shonda Tohm, Elementary Latin Coordinator, 734-764-0357, Classical Studies, 2147 Angell Hall, 1003, [email protected]
Calculus AB 5 Mathematics 120(2) 2* Math 116**
Math 156**
Math 185**
Math 186**
Math 275**
Math 276**
Math 295**
Calculus BC 4 Mathematics 120(2) 2* Math 116**
Math 156**
Math 185**
Math 186**
Math 275**
Math 276**
Math 295**
Calculus BC 5 Mathematics 120(2) & Mathematics 121 (2) 4* Math 116
Math 156
Math 185***
Math 186***
Math 205**
Math 214**
Math 215***
Math 216***
Math 285***
Math 286**
Math 275**
Math 276**
Math 295***

* No credit for either Math 120 or Math 121 if Math 105 or 115 is elected.

** 2 additional credits for Math 120 granted after successful completion of this course with grade of C or better.

*** 2 additional credits for each of Math 120 and Math 121 granted upon successful completion of this course with grade of C or better.

The Mathematics Department does not award credit for the AB subscore of the BC exam.

Math 120 and 121 are designated to represent AP credit only (AB and BC respectively). They are not representative of any specific U-M mathematics course.

The Department strongly encourages students with AP credit to elect one of the honors courses, Math 156, 275, 185, or 295. All such elections require permission of the Math Honors Advisor and placement may depend on factors other than AP score.

Contact: Student services staff, 734-763-4223, Mathematics, 2084 East Hall, 1043, [email protected]

Physics 1 & 2 5 on
both exams
Physics 125(4), 127(1), 126(4) & 128(1) 10  
Physics C: Mechanics 5 5 credit hours for Physics 139 (Lecture/Discussion 4, Lab 1) 5  
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism 5 5 credit hours for Physics 239 (Lecture/Discussion 4, Lab 1) 5  
Physics B* 4 Physics 125 (4) & 127 (1) 5  
  5 Physics 125(4), 127(1), 126(4) & 128(1) 10  

*Beginning in Fall 2014, AP Physics B was replaced by two new courses — AP Physics 1 and AP Physics 2.

Student Services Office: 1440 Randall Lab, 734-764-5539, [email protected].

Contact: Physics Student Services Office, 734-764-5539, 1440, Randall Lab, 1040, [email protected]

Political Science
U.S. Government & Politics 3 or above Political Science 111 4  
Comparative Government & Politics 3 or above Political Science 140 4  
Contact: Call 734-764-6313 or email [email protected]
  4 or 5 Psychology 111 4 Any 200 level Psychology course
Contact: Brian Wallace, Administration Manager, 734-764-2580, Psychology, 1343 East Hall, 530 Church Street, 1043, [email protected]
Language 4 or 5 Spanish 232* (4)
Spanish 279x †(3)
Up to 7 credits
upon completion
of Spanish 277
Spanish 277
Literature 4 or 5 Spanish 232* (4)
Spanish 294x ††
Up to 7 credits
upon completion
of Spanish 277
Spanish 277

* 232 course credits satisfy the language requirement, credit can only be earned once for the language or literature test

† 3 additional credits for Spanish 279x will be awarded for completing Spanish 277, Spanish 278, or RCLANG 324 with a grade of "B" or better, 279x counts toward the Spanish major or minor as a 279-399 level course.

†† 3 additional credits for Spanish 294x will be awarded for completing Spanish 277, Spanish 278 or RCLANG 324 with a grade of "B" or better, 294x counts towards the Spanish major or minor as a 279-399 level literature course.

Please see the department's website for any inquiries.

  4 or 5 Stats 180 3  
Contact: 734-647-4820, Statistics, 323 West Hall, 1107, [email protected]


School of Music, Theatre & Dance

SMTD accepts and awards credits according to LSA Guidelines unless specified below.

A.P. Exam Score Credit for Course Credit Hours Placement
(Eligible to enroll in)
Music Theory
  5 Theory 139 (1) and Theory 149* (2) 3 Theory 140 and Theory 150

*Students who receive a score of 5 on the AP Music Theory exam must enroll in Theory 139 and 149. Students must attend the first session of Theory 149, at which time their instructor will share the syllabus and provide further instructions. Students may opt out of Module 1 of Theory 149, but must attend Modules 2–4.

Contact: SMTD Academic & Student Affairs, 734-764-8623, School of Music, Theatre & Dance, 2270 Moore, 2085, [email protected] or [email protected]


Stamps School of Art and Design*

A&D accepts and awards credits according to LSA Guidelines unless specified below.

A.P. Exam Score Credit for Course Credit Hours Placement
(Eligible to enroll in)
2-D Art and Design
  4 or 5 ARTDES 101X (departmental)** 3*** Eligible to enroll in ARTDES 115
3-D Art and Design
  4 or 5 ARTDES 101X (departmental)** 3*** Eligible to enroll in ARTDES 120
  4 or 5 ARTDES 101X (departmental)** 3*** Eligible to enroll in ARTDES 100 and 105

*Applicable to students admitted to summer 2025 and after.

**Academic elective credit only. Does not count as studio credit. 

***Each exam transfers as three credits. A total of nine credits can be earned.

Contact: Stamps Registrar Team, [email protected], or Stamps Advising, [email protected].