Requirements by Country

If you graduate high school in December or anytime other than May-June, please provide a detailed explanation as to what you will be doing until the time you would begin study at U-M. Please also indicate if you enroll at another university in the interim and provide a list of courses. A detailed explanation of any gaps in enrollment is required (this applies to both first-year applicants and university transfers).
International or U.S. students with diplomas from United States-administered American, International, or Department of Defense Dependent schools: Placement in the top ten percent of the class and strong entrance test scores are required for first-year application. Students may apply during their senior year.
American and international students graduating from missionary and other private American type high schools abroad: Evaluation occurs on a case-by-case basis.
Australian Capitol Territory: ACT Year 12 Certificate
New South Wales: Higher School Certificate (HSC)
Northern Territory: Northern Territory Certificate of Education
Queensland: Queensland Certificate of Education
South Australia: South Australia Certificate of Education
Tasmania: Tasmanian Certificate of Education
Victoria: Statement of Results, Victoria Certificate of Education (VCE)
Western Australia: Statement of Results, Western Australia Certificate of Education
The Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) is required along with any of the above certificates.
BGCSE or GCSEs / GCE O Levels and if being taken, also predicted or actual GCE A-level results.
(U.K., East and West Africa, Caribbean area, East Asia, Pakistan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Singapore.) Consideration for first-year admission requires at least five ordinary level passes from one sitting at “credit” standard on the General Certificate of Secondary Education, or a comparable maturity certificate (GCSE, CXC, SPM, HKDSE, IGCSE, WASC, EASC, etc.). The Certificate must include a “credit” or “distinction” standard in English. Externally-issued, ordinary level examination results/certificates must be received by the deadline for consideration. If A-Levels are being taken, predicted A-Level results should be submitted by the school at time of application.
Students who are pursuing or who have completed A-Level exams will generally be awarded advanced standing ranging between six and ten credit hours for certain advanced level examinations completed with a grade of “D” or better. A grade of “C” or better is required for Engineering students. Three to five credits may be awarded for certain A/S exams.
Beginning in 2010, the University of Cambridge International Examinations’ new suite of Principal examinations, the Cambridge Pre-U, may be considered for possible advanced standing credit. Certificates with subject grades of D 1 – M 3 and P 1 (Distinction 1,2,3 , Merit 1,2,3 and Pass 1) would be required for advanced standing credit consideration in appropriate Principal Subjects except for Engineering applicants, who would be required to present grades of D 1 – M 3 in appropriate Principal Subjects for possible advanced standing consideration. These standards are tentative and are subject to change. Note: No advanced standing credit is granted for Cambridge Pre-U GPR. Principal Subject examinations are optional and not required for entrance.
Note for applicants from schools in Hong Kong:
Predicted HKDSE results should also be submitted by the school if available or sent following the application submission as soon as available.
Note for applicants from schools in Singapore:
H1 Levels may be considered equivalent to A/S Levels; however, a grade of “C” or better would be required for advanced standing credit consideration in appropriate academic subjects. H2 Levels may be considered equivalent to A Levels. A grade of “D” would be required for advanced standing credit consideration in appropriate academic subjects, except for Engineering applicants, who are required to have a grade of “C.” H3 Levels may be considered for credit with grades of “Pass” or above. These standards are subject to change. Predicted H Level results are required to be submitted by the school at time of application if these exams have not yet been taken.
British Columbia
A full load of academic courses is required for each year of high school including English 12 which is provincially examinable.
A minimum of five Grade 12 U courses, including Grade 12 U English, leading to the OSSD are required for first-year application. Students may apply during the senior year. No advanced standing credit is given for Grade 12 U/UC coursework. Students who complete programs in Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology (CAATs) apply for first-year admission. Up to 30 credits of advanced standing may be granted on a course-by-course basis for students who have completed a three-year CAAT program. No credit is awarded for completion of a one- or two-year program.
Students enrolled in the first year of a College d’enseignement General et Professionnel (CEGEP) apply for first-year admission. (Students must be enrolled in twelve academic courses, not including physical education.) A high level of academic achievement is required. Students who complete a full academic (non-vocational) CEGEP program (two or three years) may apply for first-year admission with advanced standing. Advanced standing credit will not exceed 30 credit hours.
All other Provinces
Completion of the secondary school program and achievement of a high standard (usually top 10% of the class) are required for first-year application. Students may apply during the senior year.
CXC CSEC Examination results and any CAPE Unit 1 and CAPE Unit 2 results/certificates.
Completion of the senior secondary school program is required for first-year application. Students may apply during the senior year. Transcripts must be officially issued by the senior secondary school and submitted by the school in the original language along with official English translations. Prior to enrollment, an officially certified copy of the Gaokao, Huikao, or Xuekao along with an official English translation, is required. If the Gaokao is not taken, the Huikao, Xuekao, or four different academic Advanced Placement (AP) exams (including one social science subject) if in an AP curriculum, should be submitted in lieu of the Gaokao, unless the student is submitting three to four British-patterned full Advanced Level examinations, an International Baccalaureate Diploma, a Canadian high school diploma or another international high school graduation credential. Students who have completed high school as well as university transfer applicants are required to submit a certificate of high school graduation showing actual graduation date along with English translation in addition to the final high school transcript and English translation showing grades for all three years of high school.
University transfer applicants need to report their current and planned future courses on their application for admission. You are also required to submit your most recent fall semester transcript with reported grades as soon as they are available in order for your application to be evaluated for consideration. These transcripts can be sent to [email protected]. Transfer applicants may apply to fall term only, as the start date for our winter term conflicts with the fall term end dates for Chinese institutions.
Upon matriculation, transfer students must arrange for an official CSSD (formerly CHESICC) "verification report" to be sent directly to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions electronically in English by the CSSD Center for Student Services and Development, Baiyan Building, NO. 238 Beisihuan Zhonglu, Haidian District, Beijing, P.R. China (Postcode:100191).
Tel: 86-10-61139123 or 86-10-61139120
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
The CSSD (formerly CHESICC) is required in order to evaluate and post transfer credit for work completed at a Chinese institution. Transfer students are also required to submit course descriptions to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions for all university coursework taken. These can be emailed to [email protected]. Please note that courses which are determined to be transferable for credit are converted to two-thirds (.66).
Students holding a national secondary school leaving certificate of high standard may be considered for first-year admission. Specifics for each country are listed below. In addition to the credentials listed below, the “European Baccalaureate” is also acceptable. Please note: Due to the release date of national examinations, students are expected to be enrolled in programs preparing them for these examinations. Students who are in the final year of preparation may apply for first-year admission. These applicants must request the predicted results of any external examination, along with school marks, to be sent to U-M. Please note that courses which are determined to transfer are converted from ECTS credits to U.S. transfer credits as one-half (.50).
Austria: Reifezeugnis; Matura
Belgium: Certificat de Enseignement Secondaire Superieur; Diploma Secundair
Bosnia-Herzegovina: Certificate of Completed Examinations or Matura Certificate
Bulgaria: Diploma za Zavarsheno, Sredno Obrazovanie
Commonwealth of Independent States: Matura/Attestat o Srednem (Polnom) Oschchem Obrazovanii
Croatia: Certificate of Completed Examinations or Matura Certificate
Cyprus: Apolytirion; Lise Diplomasi; GCSE
Czech Republic: Maturitni Zkouska; Vysvedceni
Denmark: Studentereksamen; Hojere Forberedelseseksamen; Hojere Handelseksamen; Hojere Teknisk Eksamen
Finland: Ylioppilastutkintotodistus; Studentexamensbetyg
France: see section “French-Patterned Education.” Limited advanced standing credit may be awarded for appropriate subjects with acceptable exam scores of ten or above on the baccalaureate when the coefficient is at least four. Approximately 12 credits may be awarded depending on the number of subjects with coefficients of 4 or above with scores of 10 or higher.
Germany: Abitur (Zeugnis der allgemeinen Hochschulreife). Advanced standing of seven to eight credits may be given for certain exams taken in appropriate Abitur (Leistungskurse Prufungsfacher/"Abiturprufung") subjects with acceptable exam scores of seven or above.
Greece: Apolytirio Eniaiou Lykeiou
Hungary: (Matura) Gimnaziumi Erettsegi Bizonyitvany
Iceland: Studentsprof. Advanced standing of up to 30 semester credits may be awarded on a subject-by-subject basis for exam scores of six or better on the studentsprof.
Italy: Diploma di maturità/di Esame di Stato
Kosovo: Certificate of Completed Examinations or Matura Certificate
Luxembourg: Diplome de Fin d’Etudes Secondaires
Montenegro: Certificate of Completed Examinations or Matura Certificate
Netherlands: Diploma from antheneum, gymnasium, H.B.S., lyceum or V.W.O.
North Macedonia: Certificate of Completed Examinations or Matura Certificate
Norway: Vitnemal from upper secondary. Limited advanced standing credit may be given for certain "optional program subjects" in which a national written ("W") or oral ("O") exam was taken with scores of five or six earned. If the “Examen Philosophicum” is taken, nine credits may be awarded for an acceptable score.
Poland: Swiadectwo Dojrzalosci; Matura
Portugal: Diploma de Ensino Secundario
Romania: Diploma de Bacalaureat
Serbia: Certificate of Completed Examinations or Matura Certificate
Scotland: Scottish Qualifications Certificate (SQC), at least four higher level subjects
Slovenia: Certificate of Completed Examinations or Matura Certificate
Spain: Titulo de Bachiller or Curso de Orientation Universitaria (C.O.U.)
Sweden: Avgangsbetyg; Slutbetyg fran Gymnasieskola
Switzerland: Maturitätszeugnis; certificat de maturité; attestato di maturità. U-M offers one renewable international scholarship for a student from a school in Switzerland. The amount varies. The scholarship is usually offered once every four years when the current scholarship recipient graduates. This scholarship is estimated to possibly be offered next for a student entering U-M in the fall of 2026 (or 2027). Inquire to: University of Michigan Office of Financial Aid, 2500 Student Activities Building, 515 E. Jefferson St., Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1316, USA.
Turkey: Lise Diplomasi
United Kingdom: see section “British-Patterned Education.”
French-Patterned Education (France, Middle East, Africa, Caribbean area.): In general, completion of the baccalaureate and achievement of a high standard of bien is required for first-year application. Nevertheless, because of varying standards, students from certain countries possessing an overall assez bien average will be considered. Students may apply during the senior year. Applicants from most countries will not qualify for advanced standing credit.
Official transcripts are submitted by the high school along with predicted HKDSE results if the student is in the final year of high school (Students who have already graduated and completed the HKDSE Examinations must also have HKDSE results submitted in addition to the transcript.)
A certificate representing 12 years of academic education (excluding pre-school or kindergarten years) with an equivalent of first division achievement in senior secondary school is required for first-year application. (Examples: All India Senior School Certificate, Indian School Certificate, Delhi Senior School Certificate, Higher Secondary Certificate). Consideration for transfer admission requires official, externally-issued university mark sheets with First Division achievement for each year of study. These must be sent directly by the “Controller of Examinations.”
STK SMP or STTB diploma from an SMA high school. Students may apply during the senior year.
Students who have completed an International Baccalaureate program should apply at the first-year level. Students may apply during the senior year. Students may be given advanced standing credit for examinations passed at the Higher Level only. No advanced standing credit is granted for Standard or Subsidiary Level Examinations. Predicted IB results are needed if exams have not yet been taken. For more information, visit our AB, IB Credit webpage.
Application at the first-year level is permitted if the student can present an average of sobresaliente, excelente, or muy bueno on the bachillerato or comparable certificate. Students may apply during the senior year.
U-M offers one renewable scholarship for an international student from a school in Guatemala. The amount varies. The scholarship is usually offered once every four years when the current scholarship recipient graduates. This scholarship is estimated to possibly be offered next for a student entering UM in the fall of 2026 (or 2027). Inquire to: University of Michigan Office of Financial Aid, 2500 Student Activities Building, 515 E. Jefferson St., Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1316, USA
Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) Ordinary Level Examination results/certificate / MCE Malaysia Certificate of Education / or Malaysian Independent Chinese Secondary School Unified Examination (MICSSUE). Also provide a list of current enrollment and coursework. Students currently in an Advanced Level Examination Program should have predicted A Levels also submitted if available, in addition to the SPM/MCE, if the program is able to provide these at the time of application. If being taken, actual A Level results are submitted prior to enrollment.
(American Degree Transfer Program students apply as transfer applicants to the University of Michigan).
Completion of the national secondary school certificate examinations with marks at a high percentage is required for first-year application. (Examples: General Secondary School Certificate, Tawjihi, June written examinations.)
Israel: Bagrut Examination Scores and Certificate
NCEA Level 3 results from New Zealand Qualification Authority.
Students may apply as first-year applicants while in the senior year of high school.
Singapore-Cambridge GCSE O Level results/certificate and actual H Level results (or predicted/forecasted A Level results (H level results) if exams results are not yet available.)
Generally, advanced standing credit ranging between six and ten credit hours may be awarded for certain acceptable academic subjects for Advanced / H2 Level Examinations completed with a grade of "D" or better ("C" or better for Engineering). Advanced standing credit may be awarded for Advanced / H3 Level Examinations completed with a grade of "Pass" or above. Some, but not all, H1 Level Exams, may be considered for possible three to five advanced standing credits for grade of "C" or above.
GCSE Examination results (including board name and date) along with predicted A Levels and/or Pre-Us as well as any actual A Level Examination / Pre-U Examination results for exams already taken. (Foundation program students apply as transfers to the University of Michigan.)