Requirements & Deadlines

For the 2024-25 application cycle, we are modifying our admissions process and requirements. If you are an international student applying as a transfer applicant, please review our Transfer Applicants Requirements & Deadlines webpage.
International students are valued members of the University of Michigan campus community. The wealth of global and cultural experience they bring adds significantly to the rich and varied tapestry of backgrounds they will find here. The university has a long history of engaging the world on many levels — as an international student, you help maintain and further our standing and deep connection with the global community.
The application process for international students at the University of Michigan is the same process all undergraduate students undertake, with a few key differences. The requirements may vary depending on your country of origin and specific educational history, particularly the type of transcript you will need to submit.
Before you apply, it is important to note that international students on temporary visas are not eligible for financial aid, and are expected to pay the full cost of attendance. Few scholarships are available.
Do not submit any extra documents unless specifically requested, as this may only delay your decision.
Students who wish to have an ACT/SAT score considered as a part of their application should self-report their ACT/SAT score on their application or through Enrollment Connect by Nov. 15 for Early Action consideration. Those who do not wish to have an ACT/SAT score considered as a part of their application should indicate that on the testing question within the application.
ACT (U-M Code is 2062)
SAT (U-M code is 1839)
As one who lives a great distance from Michigan and the United States, it’s important to submit your application materials as soon as possible — ideally, long before you plan on attending U-M. Your application materials will be reviewed once everything has been received. Although deadlines vary by school, college, or program, some general deadlines to keep in mind include:
Fall term—Feb. 1
Early Action—Nov. 1
Winter term—Oct. 1
Spring term—Feb. 1
Summer term—Feb. 1
Applying for Winter Term
Because the University of Michigan's winter term starts at the beginning of January and because the fall term in many countries does not end until late January or February, it may not be possible to apply for U-M's winter term. It is very important that any fall term courses you are enrolled in be completed. If your fall term does not end until some time in January or later, applying to U-M for our fall term which begins in late August or early September (or in some cases summer term which begins at the end of June) would be the only option(s). If not enrolling during the winter term at your current university in your country, our U-M spring term, which begins at the end of April, may also be a possibility.
Completing the Common Application is the first step in your application process.
Our requirements may differ depending on your home country.
Dual-Degree Application Students
Preferred Admission
Early Action Applicants